Technical terms explained in short.
A = Advanced Gear
Abbreviation for HiTEC servos with extra-robust gearbox
Alternating Current
HiTEC 2.4 GHz transmission system (= Adaptive Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)
Ah / mAh
1. Unit of electrical charge
In one hour an electrical consumer (e.g. a motor) drawing a current of 1 A consumes a charge of 1 Ah = 1000 mAh.
2. Capacity
The mAh (or Ah) unit is also used to define the quantity of electrical charge which a battery can accept or deliver. For example, a 3000 mAh battery can deliver 3 A for one hour, or 18 A for ten minutes.
If the electric current is a constant 1 A, the quantity of electrical charge which flows through a conductor in one hour is one Amp-hour. It is often used to express the available charge quantity of rechargeable or dry batteries in Amp-hours (Ah). The Amp-hour is a multiple of the SI unit ‘Coulomb’ (C), whereby 1 C = 1 A s: 1 Ah = 3600 C.
Caution: The letter C is also used for the ‘C-rate’ or ‘C-factor’ (see below for definition). However, in this context its meaning is not the same as the SI unit ‘Coulomb’.
Analog Servo
The servo is a device which translates a receiver signal into movement of the control surface. The term ‘analogue’ indicates that it is not programmable. Analogue servos are suitable for low repeat rates. The Fast Response setting at the transmitter must not be used with this type of servo.
Electronic component which prevents sparking in electric-powered models when the flight or drive battery is initially connected to the speed controller.
Azimuth (GPS)
Direction to model (reference: NORTH) Azimuth (“compass direction” to the model) is the angle (with reference to NORTH) at which the model is located. The starting point is the position at which the model was switched on (GPS initialisation).
All-up weight
Weight of a model aircraft measured with all components required for flight (ready-to-fly weight)
B/D socket on receiver
The B/D socket on older receivers stands for Battery / Diagnosis; on M-LINK receivers it stands for Battery / Data.
The B/D socket of M-LINK receivers is used for the following:
- Diversity lead to the second receiver
Data transfer and matching for reception quality - Connection to PC or MULTImate
Parameter adjustment for telemetry, Hold mode, Fail-safe
Error counter read-out
Abbreviation for ballraced servos
(= ball bearing)
Battery Eliminator Circuit
The operating voltage for the receiving system is drawn from the main flight battery via the speed controller (ESC). This eliminates the need for a separate receiver battery.
BID system = Battery Identification system - for simple, safe charging.
The unique ROXXY® BID chip technology is the key to ultra-simple handling with POWER PEAK® battery chargers, and is a standard feature of virtually all ROXXY® EVO batteries.
Each battery is assigned a small, lightweight BID chip which stores all relevant data required for safely charging / discharging the pack to the optimum level. The BID chip and the battery are connected to a BID charger for charging and discharging; the BID system then dictates the correct parameters to the POWER PEAK® BID charger.
The following charge settings are stored on the BID chip or key:
• Battery type (NC, NiMH, LiIo, LiPo, LiFe, Lead/acid)
• Cell count
• Battery capacity
• Charge current
• Discharge current
• Date (e.g. first use)
• Delta Peak voltage for charge termination
• Charge cut-off temperature
The following data are saved to the BID chip or key every time the battery is charged:
• Actual charged-in capacity
• Actual discharged capacity
• Maximum charged-in capacity
• Maximum discharged capacity
• Charge cycle count
Any battery produced by any manufacturer can be equipped with a ROXXY® BID chip (# 308472).
Binding a 2.4 GHz transmitter and receiver
Binding is necessary to ensure that the receiver responds exclusively to the signals from “its” (i.e. the bound) transmitter. It must be carried out when a particular transmitter and receiver are used for the first time.
Re-binding is required if you alter the transmitter’s mode of operation, e.g. servo response from Fast to Normal, frequency range from Normal to France.
KIT - containing all the items (foam / plastic) required to complete a model, excluding RC components and power system.
Omni-directional aerial (= Boosted Omni-Directional Antenna)
Battery backer
A receiver power supply based on two 7.4 Volt LiPo batteries in parallel.
MULTIPLEX SAFETY-SWITCH technology is also available in dual-battery form (TwinBatt) with an integral battery backer for double the level of safety.
If one battery should fail, the second battery takes over as power supply for the receiving system. The system is duplicated, i.e. for maximum security each of the two power supply circuits is fitted with its own electronic switch, its own voltage regulator and its own separate voltage monitoring circuit.
Value indicating a battery’s maximum discharge rateFor instance, a battery rated at 3200 mAh with a C-factor of 12 is capable of delivering a current of 12 * 3200 mA = 38.4 A.
It is better to avoid exploiting the full C-factor (e.g. in this instance only 30 A), as this extends the useful life of the battery.
Canopy latch, used to hold the canopy firmly in place on the fuselage by means of a secure sprung catch.
CFRP is the abbreviation for carbon fibre reinforced plastic, often abbreviated amongst modellers to “carbon fibre” or even just “carbon”.
Carbon fibre reinforced plastic, also abbreviated to carbon fibre or Carbon, is a composite material in which the carbon fibres are embedded in a plastic matrix. The matrix holds the fibres together and fills the voids between them.
CFRP is the abbreviation for carbon fibre reinforced plastic, often abbreviated amongst modellers to “carbon fibre” or even just “carbon”.
Abbreviation for electronic speed controller (ESC). A device which controls the rotational speed of an electric motor.
Centre of Gravity
The Centre of Gravity of a body, also known as the Centre of Mass, is a notional point in the model. If a homogenous body is supported or suspended at its Centre of Gravity, it remains in its current position, with no tendency to tip or rotate in any direction.
The point in the model at which all mass forces are in balance.
HiTEC servos with 12-bit resolution
Direct Current
Diagnosis (mode)
Wired receiver operation (i.e. without RF transmission)
Receivers operating in the 35 / 40 MHz band can be controlled by a cable link (diagnosis lead) between the transmitter and the model, without the transmission of an RF signal. This allows the model to be checked and adjusted without occupying a radio channel.
Digital servo
Programmable servo. These work faster and more accurately than analogue servos, and also offer higher angular resolution. Digital servos can be operated at high repeat rates (Fast Response setting at the transmitter).
Diversity (two-receiver mode)
Linking two receivers
In a diversity system the transmitter signals are evaluated by both receiver circuits (all four in the case of M-LINK receivers). The signal from the circuit with the best reception quality is passed on to the servos.
Dual Receiver
MULTIPLEX DR receivers contain two independent receiver circuits (including aerials) in a single case, working in parallel. The better of the two signals is always passed on to the servos.
In the 2.4 GHz band the direction of the signal is much more significant than in the range below 100 MHz. To compensate for this, 2.4 GHz systems often employ two aerials, deployed at an angle of 90° to each other. This ensures that at least one aerial is in a favourable position relative to the pilot and transmitter.
A special feature of MULTIPLEX M-LINK DR (Dual Receiver) receivers is that they are fitted with two complete receiver circuits - rather than just two aerials - both of which receive all the time. Only after this point does the circuit assess which is the better signal, which then undergoes further processing.
This is a significant advantage over systems which simply switch the signal between the two aerials, since in the latter case only one signal is available. All MULTIPLEX DR receivers contain these two receiver circuits.
With the exception of the “light” range of receivers, all DR receivers feature an interface to which a second DR receiver can be connected (receiver diversity). In this configuration the system can select the best of four receiver circuits. This is of particular importance in large aircraft, where carbon and / or metal parts inside the model can cause reflections and shielding. For these models we offer longer aerials, which can more easily be routed outside the model.
(Discus Launch Glider), i.e. model glider, usually with a wingspan in the range 1 - 1.5m, hand-launched using the outstretched arm and a rotary motion, in similar style to discus throwing.
The DPC servo programming device (Dongle PC) is used to program, adjust and test HiTEC digital servos with the help of a PC.
Decalage is the correct term for the difference between the angles of incidence of the wing and tailplane.
3D flying
The term used for extreme aerobatics with very agile models. Typical manoeuvres include harriers, torque rolls and many more.
4D performance
4D Performance Applies to models featuring thrust reversal, using either a variable-pitch propeller or a reversing speed controller. This allows the model to fly in a stationary position, standing “on its head”.
Registered trademark for MULTIPLEX high-density foam, which is a particularly tough expanded material generated from plastic granulate. It is much stronger and more durable than styrofoam. Ideal for gluing …
Elongation (GPS)
Direction of flight of the model (Reference: launch point axis -> model)
Elongation indicates the direction in which the model is flying. Its reference point is the line connecting the pilot (launch point) and the model.
0° = model flying away from the pilot. 180° = model flying towards the pilot.
90° = circling right. 270° = circling left.
Servo (Safety) position in case of signal failure
The Fail-Safe position for the servos is stored in the receiver, and is activated after a brief delay if the radio signal should fail. The fail-safe position can be stored by pressing a button on the receiver, or in some cases at the transmitter. It is also possible to set the fail-safe position using a MULTImate or a PC.
Case for storing tools and other accessories
Flight simulator
PC program which represents real model flying in a virtual world on the computer screen, thereby offering a realistic means of practising at home.
Frequently Asked Questions.
FES option
The term Front Electric Sustainer refers to an electric motor installed in the nose of a model glider, intended to make the model capable of independent launching.
F3K is an international class of model flying in which radio-controlled model gliders are launched by muscle power to a height from which they must fly as long as possible (or for a prescribed duration) with the aid of thermal lift. The class rewards optimum launching techniques - to achieve good launch altitude - as well as piloting skill.
Abbreviation for HiTEC servos of the 2nd generation
Global mixer definition (Royal)
Definition of the function, or method of working, of mixers (excl. values).
The definition lays down how the individual mixer inputs are to work (symmetrical, asymmetrical, one side only, …).
The size of the mixer inputs can be adjusted to suit the specific model. Once a mixer has been defined, it can be employed in as many models as you wish, in each case with individually adjusted mixer inputs. If a particular model does not require all the mixer inputs, then the corresponding travel inputs can simply be set to OFF.
Global assignment list (Royal)
Control assignments which apply to a particular model category.
The global lists define the way in which the sticks / sliders / switches are assigned to the proportional and switched functions for a specific category of model (e.g. power, helicopter, glider, ...). There are five such lists, which can be applied to any number of models.
Any change you make to the list applies to all models of the same type which operate using the same list.
Gyro: an instrument which monitors the attitude of a model aircraft, and is capable of stabilising and correcting its position if influenced by an external force (e.g. wind).
Flight simulator
PC program which represents real model flying in a virtual world on the computer screen, thereby offering a realistic means of practising at home.
Servo output lever with 25 splines
Heading (GPS)
Direction of flight of the model (reference: NORTH)
‘Heading’ is the direction in which the model is flying (with reference to NORTH).
High pulse frequency, providing fine control of motor speed, and easing the load on the magnets.
The South Korean Hitec company was founded in 1973. It manufactures servos, radio control technology and electronics for RC models.
High Response referring to servos with ultra-fast response speed
HiTEC Brushless-Servos
Gyro servo This servo type can only be controlled using special repeat rates (pulse speeds), as generated by some gyro systems.
HiTEC Robotic Servo Servos intended for robots and multi-function models.
HV servos
High voltage servos
In contrast to conventional servos, HV servos can be operated on voltages up to 8.4 V, i.e. they can be run directly from two-cell LiPo batteries. The higher voltage means that less current is required for a given performance.
Automatic model IDentification Certain MULTIPLEX models are fitted with a special receiver which has the model configuration stored at the factory (e.g. ID 2 = EasyStar II). The SMART SX 6 transmitter recognises the receiver ID and therefore the model to be controlled.
Integrated Optimized Antenna Technology 2.4 GHz aerial with optimised radiation pattern, integrated into the transmitter, and invisible from the outside.
Incidence gauge
Measuring device for determining the model’s decalage.
Servos with Karbonite gearbox
KIT - containing all the items (foam / plastic) required to complete a model, excluding RC components and power system.
Kit Plus
Kit plus Model kit consisting of foam and plastic parts plus power system.
MPX program suite
MULTIPLEX Launcher is a program, or suite of programs, which combines the various programs for MULTIPLEX devices under a single interface. These are currently the following:
Transmitters (Cockpit SX , ROYAL, Cockpit SX7, 9, 12 and Profi TX),
Receivers (RX SYNTH, M-PCM, M-LINK),
WINGSTABI, Wingstabi Easy Control, Wingstabi EVOLUTION
Servos (most programmable types from MULTIPLEX and HiTEC)
Speed controllers
MPX telemetry sensors (parameter adjustment)
MULTImate (update)
The new MULTIPLEX LAUNCHER can be downloaded here.
Supported operating systems: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10. (XP is no longer supported)
Level 1-4
Grades of control difficulty for model aircraft: Level 1 = Beginner, Level 2 = Hobby, Level 3 = Advanced, Level 4 = Expert,
Lithium-Polymer battery range of rechargeable LiPo batteries from the MULTIPLEX stable.
M-LINK receivers, these are not telemetry-capable and do not feature a serial data output. Two-receiver (diversity) operation is not possible with these receivers.
M-LINK is a transmission system in the 2.4 GHz band developed by MULTIPLEX. It operates using the FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) process, and features 12-bit resolution (3894 steps). The shortest repeat rate with twelve channels is 14 ms; with sixteen channels it is 21 ms. 39 channels are used.
M-PCM is a development of PCM which was introduced by MULTIPLEX around 2007. It offers higher resolution and faster transmission than “normal” PCM.
M6 connector system
High-current connectors from MULTIPLEX, suitable for currents up to 55A.
Magnetic encoder (Hall sensor)
Electronic component zero-wear, replacing the conventional potentiometer in servos.
Servo with metal gearbox (= metal gear)
Servos with metal gearbox, and suitable for a power supply voltage of up to 8.4V.
Mode 1-3
Throttle right at the transmitter Aileron and rudder functions can be interchanged.
Mode 2-4
Throttle left at the transmitter Aileron and rudder functions can be interchanged.
Bus system developed by MULTIPLEX for connecting up to sixteen telemetry sensors to MULTIPLEX receivers featuring an S socket. Other makes of device with an MSB output can feed values into the MSB, which are then displayed on the transmitter screen. The specification can be found on our website.
RC flight simulator
Try it out right now - free of charge! Virtually all MULTIPLEX ELAPOR® models can be test-flown using the free PC flight simulator MULTIflight.
Free download
Simple to operate
You can fly using the keyboard, joystick, game controller and any standard commercial RC transmitter with the appropriate simulator lead.
The MULTIflight simulator software can even be operated using a PC keyboard.
Arrow keys: up, down, left and right; motor on: w, motor off: s.
MULTIflight PLUS Set
Mode 1+3 # 1 5306
Mode 2+4 # 1 5305
MULTIPLEX programming device for use with MULTIPLEX servos, receivers, telemetry sensors and speed controllers.
Megahertz - abbreviated to MHz - refers to a frequency. A frequency is a unit of measurement for a particular number of oscillations, or a number of repeating processes.
Mains PSU
Mains unit Voltage converter which transforms the 220V AC mains supply to the input voltage required by battery chargers. ePOWER BOX
Servos with nylon gearbox
Current-saving servos
An opto-coupler is a component which transfers information to the following stage in a circuit by means of an optical connection. This provides galvanic separation between two power circuits, in this case the motor control circuit and the receiver power circuit. Its purpose is to eliminate the transfer of potential interference from the motor to the receiving system.
Pulse Code Modulation
PCM is a type of signal modulation in which the servo positions are transmitted in the form of digital numbers.
Power-on protection: prevents the motor starting up accidentally.
POWER PEAK® is a MULTIPLEX brand offering high-quality battery charging technology for the hobby of modelling. A particular feature of POWER PEAK® chargers is the BID system (Battery-IDentification-system)
Pulse Position Modulation
PPM is a type of signal modulation in which the servo positions are determined by the length / position of a signal.
Programmable servos
A Power Absorbing Device is required if you wish to use Hitec brushless servos (HSB) in conjunction with a battery backer, or the BEC supply of a speed controller. A PAD (Power Absorbing Device) is supplied with every servo, and is simply connected in parallel with that servo. It prevents current feedback when used with incompatible ENERGY EFFICIENT connections, allowing the servo to operate like any other servo.
Power set
It’s the right set-up that brings success!
When designing a power system it is essential to consider every individual link in the chain: a weak battery, the wrong propeller or an unsuitable motor, and the model’s performance falls off dramatically!
Two-dimensional code which can be scanned by a smartphone, typically taking you to MULTIPLEX videos.
Factory-prepared model configuration. Simply download from www.multiplex-rc.de, and transfer to the Cockpit SX transmitter (2015 or earlier) using Launcher.
The distance over which the transmitter can reliably send control commands to the model.
Rotor diameter
Diameter of the area swept by the tips of the rotor blades when the rotor is spinning.
ROXXY® is a MULTIPLEX brand which encompasses brushless motors, brushless speed controllers and LiPo battery packs fitted with a BID chip (Battery-IDentification-System).
Ready for Radio Model supplied in 95% finished form, including power system, but excluding battery and receiver.
Ready for Radio plus Model supplied in 95% finished form including power system, battery and receiver.
Ready to Fly Model supplied in 100% finished form, including factory-installed power system, battery, receiver and transmitter, plus a battery charger.
Ready to Run Model supplied in 100% finished form, including factory-installed power system, battery, receiver and transmitter.
Rechargeable battery
ROXXY, Li-BATT - rechargeable electro-chemical energy storage device.
Picks up the control commands sent by the radio control transmitter, processes the information and passes the appropriate signals to the speed controller and servos. This is only possible if the transmitter and receiver are operating on the same channel; this is selected automatically when 2.4 GHz technology is used.
RF module
Radio Frequency transmitter module The RF module determines the transmission frequency (35 / 40 MHz or 2.4 GHz).
A switch-mode BEC employs a switching regulatory circuit to reduce the battery voltage to the value required for the receiver. This technique results in reduced power loss compared with a “normal” BEC circuit, which in turns means that an S-BEC speed controller can cope with higher loads (more servos).
A switch-mode BEC employs a switching regulatory circuit to reduce the battery voltage to the value required for the receiver. This technique results in reduced power loss compared with a “normal” BEC circuit, which in turns means that an S-BEC speed controller can cope with higher loads (more servos).
Safety Switch
If a fault should occur in a slide switch or its connecting leads, this electronic circuit ensures that the device remains switched on. This means: even if the switch lead becomes disconnected due to vibration, the receiver power circuit stays switched on, allowing the receiving system to continue to function.
Component which measures a specific value, such as temperature, airspeed, rotational speed.
Servo output arm
Servo output arm which is fitted to the splined servo output shaft. The pushrod which actuates the control surface is connected to it.
Servos with steel gearbox.
Rudder servo (Steel HV rudder)
PC program which represents real model flying in a virtual world on the computer screen, thereby offering a realistic method of practising at home. MULTIFlight
Secure Link Technology Standardised radio transmission protocol adopted by various companies, allowing combined use with other manufacturers’ models which also use the SLT protocol.
Serial data output
M-LINK receivers as of firmware version 1.2 can be switched to serial data output using a PC. The resultant signal is present at the B/D socket.
The method of switching to SRXL can be seen in this video
Servo Voltage Regulator allows low-voltage servos (4.8 V / 6 V) to operate with an 8.4 V source (2S LiPo).
Speed controller (ESC)
Speed controllers are used to control the rotational speed of electric motors. ROXXY BL Control, MULTIcont.
Real-time representation of flight data, such as altitude, airspeed, temperature.
Servos with titanium gearbox max. 8.4V
Servos with titanium gearbox max. 8.4V
A toggle switch is a button which simulates the function of a standard two-way switch.
It is implemented using a button on the transmitter with a software-based latching function, which retains its new status once pressed.
Thermal Overload Protection
Double overload protection
Note: explain thermal overload protection or similar.
Dual power supply
Two batteries connected to one receiver.
Thermal Protection
Thermal fuse
Two-receiver operation (Diversity)
Connection between two receivers using a diversity lead
MULTIPLEX M-LINK receivers of the following types:
- RX-5 M-LINK, RX-7 M-LINK (1 receiver aerial)
- RX-7-DR M-LINK, RX-9-DR M-LINK (2 receiver aerials)
- RX-9 / 12 / 16-DR pro M-LINK (2 receiver aerials)
- RX 16 DR Master M-Link (2 receiver aerials)
running firmware Version 1.2 or later can be interconnected using the diversity lead # 8 5070. Receivers with earlier firmware can be updated to the current status using MPX Launcher and the USB PC lead (UNI) # 85149. If you wish to use an RX 16 DR Master receiver in the two-receiver configuration, both receivers must be set to SRXL mode. If other receiver types are used, you only need to set the receivers to two-receiver mode.
Process of bringing software or data up to the latest standard.
Volt stands for electrical voltage.
Wide Voltage
Wide-voltage servos can be operated on voltages in the range 4.8 V to 8.4 V, i.e. they can be run directly using a two-cell LiPo battery. For a given power the higher voltage requires a lower current.
Freely programmable 3-axis gyro system for all RC fixed-wing model aircraft.
Waterproof Indicates servos which are 100% watertight.
Cyano-acrylate adhesive optimised for use with ELAPOR particle foam/